Meet the winners of the Prize from past editions
BASES 2025
Sustainable & Social Tourism Summit, A.C. invites companies, social and business organizations, entrepreneurs, national, subnational and local governments and people representing academia and/or research centers, whose actions are directly linked to the tourism sector, to participate in the call for the Sustainable and Social Tourism Award in Ibero-America 2025.
About the award
The Award arises as an opportunity to recognize, at the Latin American level, the best practices in social, sustainable and solidarity tourism.
The Award is awarded to change initiatives that have achieved a positive impact on people and/or the planet, promoting the values of peace and generating prosperity through alliances, aligning with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
In its three previous editions, it has received 130 applications from more than 12 countries, and has awarded 13 initiatives established in Mexico, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile and Peru. And 2 special recognitions were granted to two initiatives that had great relevance, Mexico and Costa Rica.
On this occasion, the theme of the Award will be in accordance with the central objective of the 9th. Edition of the Sustainable & Social Tourism Summit ® which is: “Tourism from the perspective of communities”.
It is delivered in the following categories:
1. Public Sector
Efforts of public administrations that promote sustainable, social and solidarity tourism policies and practices are recognized; Mayors, municipalities, subnational or national ministries, regional organizations, decentralized government agencies, public-private trusts, and other related entities can participate in this category.
Some examples of initiatives that can compete are (illustrative, not limiting):
Tourism, environment, climate change, Protected Areas programs at regional, national, subnational or local levels.
Laws and regulations.
Government initiatives for the conservation and restoration of ecosystems, heritage protection, inclusion, accessibility, diversity, equity.
Alliances with public or private agencies for the development of responsible tourism.
Tourism promotion and/or environmental education campaigns linked to tourism and tourist communities.
Sustainable management efforts of tourist destinations including the development of destination management organizations, certifications, among others.
2. Large companies
Efforts of the private tourism sector considered in their countries as large companies or international corporations with collective impact in Latin America are recognized; Airlines, large hotels, convention centers, theme parks, food and beverage companies, tour operators, DMCs and large-scale marketing platforms can participate.
Some examples of initiatives that can compete are (illustrative, not limiting):
Corporate sustainability and social responsibility programs.
Collective impact actions derived from alliances with public or social associations and organizations.
Decarbonization and adaptation projects to the impacts of climate change.
Strategies to reduce single-use plastics and promote a circular economy. Individual or collective actions for the conservation and/or restoration of key ecosystems.
Programs with social impact, promotion of diversity, with a focus on inclusion and accessibility, and initiatives with an emphasis on gender. Internal and external education and awareness exercises.
Promotion of the rescue of traditions and customs through tourism.
Corporate volunteering projects.
3. Micro, Small and Medium-sized Private and/or community companies and entrepreneurs
Efforts of low-impact companies and initiatives with local operations are recognized and that in their countries are recognized in any of the aforementioned categories throughout the tourism value chain. Also included in this category are social companies (ejidos, cooperatives, communal and mutual benefit companies) that have a tourism operation and entrepreneurs in the middle stages of maturation of their companies, with tangible results.
Some examples of initiatives that can compete are (illustrative, not limiting):
Development and operation of tourism products with criteria of sustainability, social responsibility and solidarity.
Decarbonization and adaptation projects to the impacts of climate change.
Strategies to reduce single-use plastics and promote a circular economy. Actions to achieve commercialization with solidarity criteria of initiatives in rural or indigenous communities, or in Protected Natural Areas.
Local projects where tourism has managed to preserve or recover natural and/or cultural heritage.
Programs with social impact, promotion of diversity, with a focus on inclusion and accessibility, and initiatives with an emphasis on gender. Internal and external education and awareness exercises.
Promotion of the rescue of traditions and customs through tourism.
4. Civil Society
Efforts of social organizations and business foundations that, through collective work, implement efforts for responsible tourism are recognized; Non-profit civil society organizations whose purposes are the promotion of sustainable tourism, or environmental conservation or social or cultural development organizations, which through tourism have achieved a significant impact on natural and cultural heritage, can participate.
Some examples of initiatives that can compete are (illustrative, not limiting):
Projects promoted by the organization derived from inter-institutional alliances.
Heritage conservation strategies through tourism.
Innovative financing schemes through tourism activities.
Programs with social impact, inclusion and with a gender focus.
Internal and external education and awareness campaigns for the sector or for tourists.
Social or environmental responsibility programs of business foundations or business groups.
5. Academic research
Efforts of educational institutions, research and innovation centers, as well as academic researchers who contribute through their activities to achieving sustainable, supportive and socially responsible tourism are recognized. Therefore, universities, postgraduate schools, research centers, science and technology centers and any other institution, public or private, that carry out related work or that endorse studies carried out by professionals can participate.
Some examples of initiatives that can compete are (illustrative, not limiting):
Undergraduate or postgraduate thesis that has generated a significant impact on the generation of knowledge.
Studies and research related to the environmental and social impacts of tourism.
Linkage programs between universities/research centers and the tourism sector to improve some environmental or social problem.
Any other initiative that generates knowledge related to the topics mentioned in this call.
Requisitos de inscripción:
Para el registro de la iniciativa, el postulante, deberá cumplir con los requisitos y registrarse en la Cédula Digital de Inscripción que se encuentra en este sitio, así como incluir en el mismo formato la siguiente documentación
Las iniciativas inscritas deberán contar cuando menos con dos años de operación.
Carta de exposición de motivos firmada por la máxima autoridad de la organización (CEO, Director(a), Rector(a), Ministro(a) o Secretario(a), en formato pdf o jpg). En la carta deberá indicarse a cuál(es) de los 10 puntos del Decálogo de Recuperación Responsable del Turismo se alinea la iniciativa. Descarga el Decálogo aquí.
Dos cartas de recomendación de instituciones u organizaciones públicas, privadas o sociales avalando el proyecto del postulante (en formato pdf o jpg).
Un video de máximo dos minutos en calidad de resolución de 1280 × 720 como mínimo y una relación de aspecto de 16:9 (horizontal), que se realice exprofeso para la postulación al premio (no tiene que ser profesional, puede grabarse con un teléfono móvil si no se cuenta con más equipo). El video debe explicar de forma resumida sus características, con énfasis en los siguientes rubros:
- Breve descripción del proyecto
- ¿Por qué es innovador?
- ¿Cómo asegura la protección del medio ambiente, la mejora en la calidad de vida de las comunidades y un beneficio económico de largo plazo?
- ¿Qué potencial tiene para escalarse o replicarse?
- ¿Cómo promueve la inclusión?
- ¿Qué acciones realizan para medir y evaluar los resultados? -
Cuatro fotografías en alta resolución relativas a la propuesta y su logotipo en formato editable.
Los participantes otorgarán permiso a través de una carta de autorización, dirigida a Sustainable & Social Tourism Summit, A.C. para la difusión de la información del proyecto en sus canales, redes sociales y otros medios de comunicación. Descarga aquí, carta modelo.
Una vez que el postulante haya completado el registro y enviado la información, no se podrán realizar cambios ni adiciones al mismo.
Es importante señalar que, durante el proceso de evaluación por parte del Jurado Calificador, todas las iniciativas serán votadas a través de nuestros seguidores de las redes sociales oficiales del Sustainable & Social Tourism Summit y sumarán puntos para la valoración final.
Regístrate antes del 14 de Marzo de 2025
Entrega de Reconocimientos y Difusión
Los finalistas serán notificados sobre el fallo de jurado calificador, en forma individual.
El nombre de los ganadores se dará a conocer a través de los medios oficiales de comunicación de Sustainable & Social Tourism Summit.
El Reconocimiento se entregará a los ganadores en el marco de la 9ª edición de Sustainable & Social Tourism Summit en San José, Costa Rica.
El premio consta de un galardón de acuerdo con la categoría en la que hayan concursado, el acceso gratuito a la 9ª edición de Sustainable & Social Tourism Summit® de un representante de la organización ganadora y un acompañante y la participación en un Panel de ganadores del Premio.
Do you want more information?
Summit Award Information:
Tel: +52 5532000194